Lorry Bus popularly known as ‘TroTro’ in Ghana is the most patronized and popular transport system in Ghana.
Every Ghanaian has board a Lorry Bus at least once in their life. ‘TroTro’ has been with us for years and we all love it as well as the Taxis.
Many interesting things happen between passengers in Lorry Bus every day. Individual, group of people normally take Lorry bus at the same time and you know what happens when two or more people meet in a common place right?
Let’s check out the most common things that passengers of Lorry Bus normally do.
Firstly, people in a Lorry Bus mostly listen to news in the morning and evening while in the bus. Most Lorry drivers in Ghana turn on their radio when driving and they always have the station reading news in the morning or evening, as such, it makes it possible for passengers to get daily news on their fingertips. I personally always have my phone to listen to news, but I always listen to the one in the Lorry Bus.
Secondly, the listening of the news in the Lorry Bus in the morning and evening leads me to my second point on the things Ghanaians do while in a Lorry Bus. In the Lorry Bus, people discuss issues that they hear on the radio particularly from the news. We normally talk and discuss stuff that is happening in our country. It is always refreshing to hear both sides in terms of things concerning our country, Ghana.
Thirdly, some people eat in the Lorry Bus before getting to their destination. Sometimes, I eat fruits or food in Lorry Bus when I am hungry and knows that it will take a while before I get down to my area. Most people when hungry, take out their foods to eat.
Also, one of the things that Ghanaians do in a Lorry Bus to Study. Most students study while in the Lorry Bus. Years ago, when I was in high school, I use to study while in the Lorry Bus on my way to school or back from school. Sometimes, when you have examinations and you realize that you have not studied certain topics, you take the opportunity in the Lorry Bus to study.
Lastly, Ghanaians also make new friends in the Lorry Bus. Sometimes, while talking and discussing things with passengers in the bus, you can become friends later on.
What are some of the things that you think Ghanaians do in Lorry Buses, Kindly Share.